The Easiest Way to Remove Bad Items from Your Credit Report
The Easiest Way to Remove Bad Items from Your Credit Report by Aaron G. Adams, J.D., M.B.A. Parklane Apartments - Rent this Apartment Did you know that it's possible to remove bad items from your credit report? Any inaccurate item showing up on your credit report that's damaging your credit can be removed, otherwise you have the right to sue the credit agency. Here's how to remove bad items from your credit report. Get a Report from All Three Agencies The first step is to get a credit report from all three credit reporting agencies. You can get your report once a year for free from Look through each and every one of your accounts carefully. Is there anything you don't recognize? Anything that's overstated or understated? Highlight any suspicious accounts. Note the account numbers and descriptions. Some bad items will appear on just one agency's report, while other errors will appear on all your credit reports. Begi...